Tuesday, May 1, 2012

30 Day Challenge

When I took Meisner classes a few years ago, my amazing Career Coach taught me about "Blitzes."  A "Blitz" is a challenge, but moreoever a Focus.  It is something you hone your skills at for a certain period of time, looking towards a goal.  As a few of you may know, this past month I set it upon myself to do a 30 Day Yoga Challenge.  The stipulations of this challenge were simple:  For 1 hour EVERY DAY I must practice my Vinyasa Flow Yoga. This could be achieved by either taking a class or practicing at home.  Anyone out there who lives in NYC knows that there is a lovely organization called Yoga to the People which provides donation based and low cost classes multiple times during the day at multiple locations in the city so that everyone can practice.  My favorite studio is the one on St. Marks.  Not only because it is donation based but because it attracts the most people and usually has a great, sweaty vibe :)  This, and the new and beautiful studio in Brooklyn were my two new homes for the month of April.

So I'm sure many of you are wondering: How did it Go?  Did I make it?  Did I fail?

I practiced everyday except for 3.  Only 2 of those 27 times were at home.  I made it to class 25 times in the last 30 days.  That's an awesome accomplishment if you ask me.

But other than knowing I've done something everyday and feeling good about it, what did I gain from this experience?

Well, for my fellow yogis out there, here's the physical part:
My muscles are stronger.  I don't have a six pack but I can see and feel the difference in my core.  I have gained flexibility.  I can't touch my head to the floor yet, but my chin rests below my knees in forward foldand I know that within a year, my forehead will touch my toes. 

My binds are deeper and steadier. 

My breathing is fuller and smoother.  My body doesn't shake as much in certain poses like planks.  In chair pose I sit deeper and I smile when I sink into my invisible tiny chair.  I have finally learned how to make Reverse Warrior a real Peaceful Warrior.  My core is stronger, my arms are stronger, I have lost inches from my thighs and gained a few pounds from the muscle I have built.

And the changes that happen to my body after class are apparent too.  My circulation is better.  I am now constantly warm as the blood flows through my veins and newly forming muscles.  My digestion is better and my metabolism has sky-rocketed.  In fact, I spend my drifting thoughts in yoga thinking about food.

And then there is the mental part.  I have found a Zen-like peace with my yoga.  It is an hour of my day I look forward to when I wake up.  It might be hard to get to the studio (one day I had to run a mile to make it to a noon class because the subways were so messed up on the weekend), but when I arrive I am greeted with a smile and know that the next 60 minutes are for me and my body and I will feel better when they are done.  I can approach situations with a calmness I don't think I had 30 days ago.  I know how to breathe.  And I know how to use breath, the key ingredient to life, to alleviate certain stresses and help me through my days.

In conclusion, this was an amazing 30 days.  I have created a habit for myself which I am sure I will continue to work on and grow in. I have created a life style and it has become almost an addiction (there are worse addictions to have I am sure.)  But moreover I have realized this is the kind of challenge I would like to do more often.

So this blog is the first in a series of challenges that I will give myself which will hopefully create insight into personal growth for myself and others.  I would like to challenge myself each month (or week depending on the challenge) to do something or not do something which will allow me to see the world in a different way, see myself in a different way, create a new habit or routine or just to see what happens.  And I will share the results of these challenges here.

A few ideas I have are:
- No TV: What will I do with my time if I restrict myself to not turning on the television?
- Paleo: This diet is severe, but I have heard people love the way they feel after 30 days.  No carbs, no sugar, no caffeine, no alcohol... but all the red meats, veggies and fruits you can get
- Writing - What can I unlock if I force myself to write 3 pages EVERY DAY (for a month or a week?)
- Cook at home - In NYC we go out all the time.  What will I do differently if I am not allowed to buy food out of what I have made or brought from home?
- Bikram Yoga 30 day Challenge - self explanatory and the next step in my growing yoga practice
- No eating after 10pm - this may sound easy if you work 9-5 and go to bed at 11... but as an actor and bartender in NYC I am up constantly until 4am, and 2am binges on Chinese food cannot be good for you....
- Audition - everyday, you heard it... even if it's not right for me, there is someone holding an audition every day in New York... I'll be there
Also, Research Projects (Like you're in college but you don't have to get up at 7am)
- Every day research a different Playwright, Casting Director, Theatre, Director, etc... spend 1 hour finding out all the info I can and keeping all findings in a binder

And I am welcome and open to any other suggestions.  I would love to know what challenges you give yourself, or what you would like to see me try.  I welcome you to challenge yourself with me as I focus on different "blitzes."  It is always nice to have a teammate or a partner to get you up and make you do that thing you might not want to do.

This next week I will be focusing on:
Running 1 mile every day
I will be participating in the Revlon 5 K for Cancer on Saturday May 4th, so I will be getting ready for this and then trying to better my time before and after.  If you would like to donate, please do - every little bit helps!!